An apology

Hello faithful followers and search engine seekers,

I just wanted to apologize for the lack of upkeep on the blog. Fountains of Youth was created for a class, and now that the class is over, we have yet to decide how to continue.

With all the craziness that is spring semester, don’t expect much—but come summer, I hope to revamp and reopen the Fountains.

Thanks for your patience.
– Courtney

A better resolution

Happy New Year from Fountains of Youth!

Courtney LeMay here apologizing for a long break between posts. This blog was started for a class, and that class is now over—all classes, really, because it’s Christmas break. I’ll try to have more consistency when school starts back up.

I just got back from celebrating the new year with my teammates; we’re preparing for a mission/training trip to Joplin, Mo., in the morning for swim practices and tornado clean-up. I’ll share more on that later.

Another thing I’m about to start is a month-long “sugar fast.” No sweets, no soft drinks, and (sadly) no chocolate for the entire month of January. My best friend and I are trying it out as part of an attempt to be even healthier in 2012. Some of my other resolutions include:

  • Consistent physical therapy on my shoulder (3 times a week).
  • Getting enough sleep on school nights: at least 7 hours.
  • Reading my Bible every day, at least one verse a day. (Last year I started working towards a daily prayer time; this year, I’m focusing on adding Bible reading.)
  • Having a positive outlook during swim practice; avoiding negative comments.
  • Make beautiful things! Photography, film, writing or even coming up with that perfect joke—this year, I want to improve my beautification skills!
A man taking a picture of a bunch of roses.

My best friend's already got a head start on the last resolution: he got a new camera for Christmas! Photo by Courtney LeMay

My Starbucks holiday drink guide

By Brittany Howard

(Trust me, I’m a barista.)

Eggnog Latte- Made with steamed milk, eggnog and espresso shots, this is my favorite drink offered at Starbucks. A perfect holiday taste mixed with just enough caffeine to get you through the day.

My favorite on the job drink, a tall White Chocolate Mocha.

White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha- Made with steamed milk, espresso shots and pumps of white chocolate and peppermint syrup, this is a definite favorite of Starbucks drinks. An alternate drink is the Peppermint Mocha or the new Skinny Peppermint Mocha made exactly the same except with skinny or regular mocha sauce instead of white chocolate mocha.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate- If you do not want a coffee-based drink, this is a very likely option, made with steamed milk and pumps of vanilla, mocha and peppermint syrup. Plain Hot Chocolate is also available, made the same but without peppermint.

Pumpkin Spice Latte- Simply made with steamed milk, espresso shots and pumps of pumpkin spice syrup, this is my second favorite drink offered at Starbucks. This drink is perfect for morning or midday pickups.

Caramel Brulee Latte- Made with steamed milk, espresso shots and caramel brulee syrup, this drink will leave you in caramel bliss. I suggest it as a perfect sweet tooth fix.

There are also many more holiday beverages offered at Starbucks, which you can find here. These were just a few of my favorites that I hope can become your favorites too!

Recycle your swimsuits

Two headbands made from recycled swimsuits

Two headbands made from recycled swimsuits. Photo by Courtney LeMay.

By Courtney LeMay

While we usually focus on keeping ourselves looking and feeling young through healthy living, keeping a fresh wardrobe is also a great way to gain a more youthful outlook. When clothes wear out, you might not need to toss them in the trash right away—why not make something new and fabulous out of an old favorite instead?

As a swimmer, I go through what feels like dozens of swimsuits in a year. If you’ve spent some time in the water, you know the drill: unsightly holes or picks, faded colors, or even a see-through lining could be plaguing your swimsuit at this very moment. A lot of my friends threw their old suits away, but I just couldn’t stand the thought o wasting so many memories, so much effort…nay, so much fabric!

So after much deliberation, I settled on a project: headbands. All you need is an old swimsuit, some scissors, a needle and thread, and you’ll be on your way to accessorizing heaven in no time. Or maybe just be able to see where you’re going once your hair isn’t in your face. No matter.

1.     First, cut around the elastic for the legs on the bottom of the suit, but be sure to leave the entire band in tact! This will become the base for your headband.

2.     Next, cut out pieces of the colorful stretchy material—from the main part of that suit or another—into shapes; I chose a flower for my first headband.

3.     Use an accenting color as the center dot of the flower, and then layer two flower-shaped pieces and the center dot. Sew all three pieces to the elastic band.

For a tassel or bow instead of a flower, cut two rectangular pieces of fabric, four inches long or so, and sew together down the middle. Cut centimeter-width fringes on both sides, and scrunch the middle together by pulling threads outward while pushing fabric towards the center. Like the flower, sew the bow to the elastic band and wear proudly.

Have any other ideas of what to do with worn-out or out-of-style clothing? Let me know!

Cure insomnia with yoga

By Brittany Howard


Insomnia can be a common issue for many people whether it’s mild or extreme. There are medical options to try and ease sleeplessness that I’m sure are effective, but there is also another cost free solution to help ensure Z’s and dreams. Not only is yoga beneficial for you physically, but it can help you mentally in more ways than you may realize. There actually exists many yoga poses that are specifically designed to help you relax and reduce insomnia. Seven of these poses can be found here along with more information on how efficient this practice can be for you.

And now, a creative writing break

By Courtney LeMay

The other day, I was having writer’s block with a paper due soon in a class, so I decided to take a break from that and write what was on my mind. A half-hour later, I had a short story on my hands. It’s not a contender for a Pulitzer prize or anything, but it definitely helped me to focus better later. Perhaps there’s a lesson we can take away from that: stepping away from a stressful situation can help you refocus better later, and living in less stress is a great way to live younger. So the next time stress is, well, stressing you out, step back and take a break to do something creative: write, draw, sing…whatever it is that you do! (And check out my short story below!)

I sit in my dorm room alone, with the lights out, waiting by my desk. It’s incapacitating sometimes, that loneliness. I feel so empty when she’s not around. The sounds of movement and forward motion fill the rest of the dorm, but I don’t budge. Instead I contemplate the deep mysteries of the universe, of fears and love and shoelaces. Other times it’s almost like I’m holding my breath, waiting for my chance to scream to the world my true purpose, my higher calling, my raison d’être. But mostly, I dream of travel. Of the pursuit, the chase, the skip, hop and the jump that is life—my life. I was made for travel.

I pray for sunshine. The sound of the dry pavement underneath me, thump, thump, thump. It’s a sort of therapy for me. I live in fear of rainy days, where the warmth is replaced with a deep-rooted coldness, a damp darkness that seeps to my core. It makes me long for my home, a place I left long ago; a place I hardly remember any more, except the happy hum of productivity and hope and newness still buzzing somewhere inside my soul.

I can tell I’m getting older. I feel myself wearing thinner every day. But I’m not too worried. A few scrapes here and there can’t bring me down. Not when she’s around. No matter how worn out I’m feeling, she can always make things better—make me feel whole again. With her I feel wanted and perfect and oh-so-comfortable. I hardly notice the sun or the clouds or the rain or the puddles, because life comes back to me all in a rush when she’s with me. I am traveling. I am whole. I am the movement. 

And that’s what love is to a shoe—movement.

“The Life of TOMS,” by Courtney LeMay

Comic book heroes

By Courtney LeMay

I grew up on Spider-man and Ninja Turtles, but as much as I loved superheroes, I never did get very in to any of their comic forms. If it was in a movie or on a t.v. show, I couldn’t wait to watch, but my exposure to comics remained only in the Sunday funny pages of our local newspaper. (Ok, I don’t think people even call them that any more. Shows how out of touch I am.) Still, I enjoyed drawing comics from time to time as a kid; I’d entertain my mom with little drawings of “Church Mouse” and who knows what else. In high school, I even tried my hand at a full comic of my own called “The Adventures of Aucune Idee”  as a part of a superhero-themed week of church camp. Here’s the only story I finished, entitled “A Crazy Day”…

The first page of my comic book, "The Adventures of Aucune Idee"

If that’s not enough comics for you, then check out these grammar-related comics I had no hand in creating whatsoever.

Guilt-free and decadent

By Brittany Howard

Metromint, chocolatemint water.

Struggling to maintain your health kick because the bland taste of water? Struggle no more, for I have the answer to your problem. Metromint Water is a new brand of bottled water that comes in seven, calorie-free flavors including, chocolatemint, peppermint, spearmint, lemonmint, orangemint, cherrymint, and goodberrymint. Coming straight from their website, every bottle includes fresh, flavorful, pesticide-free mint grown in Washington State’s Yakima Valley. I am personally a very huge fan of the chocolatemint. It’s smooth, goes down like normal water with a fresh aftertaste of mint and a hint of chocolate. I highly suggest it to everyone as something that should definitely be tried. Watch out! You will get hooked.

Yoga DVD review

By Brittany Howard

Are you interested in taking your yoga practice to the next level? If so, Jillian Michael’s Yoga Meltdown DVD is the perfect option for you.

Jillian Michaels, Yoga Meltdown

The DVD includes two, 30 minute workouts split into levels one and two for beginners and more advanced users. I personally enjoy her as a trainer. She is very clear with her instructions and providing motivational encouragement. I will warn you that she puts a unique twist on yoga and refers to it as body weight training. Which basically means, constant movement within poses and a lot of deep breathing. Whatever your reason may be for practicing yoga, I definitely encourage you to try this DVD. It can be found at Walmart and other retail stores, I’m sure, for no more than ten dollars. Have fun working up a sweat!

If you are interested in more Jillian Michaels products, click here.