When the fountain goes dry

'Dry Earth' by Tomas Castelazo

By Michael Grout

As college students, regardless of how many pounds we pack, because of our youth- our metabolism will bail us out of the lard we sink ourselves in.  The unfortunate mistake we forget, though, is: that as we gain weight, our body’s metabolism readjusts to reinforce whatever weight we have gained during those infamous freshmen fifteen? Fifty?  Although this news may come as heavy as a box of Taco Bell fourth meal burritos , there is still some good news.  Because we are college students we have the room to make some mistakes and recover better than our future, older, counterparts will.  A few things to keep in mind in the recovery stage is that these new found rules for maintaining a healthy weight, shouldn’t just be recovery tools, but good habits that we start and keep for the rest of our lives.  A few simples rules to remember when hitting the main line buffet are:

  • Portion control is always key.  Just because you’re eating a lot of good things at once, doesn’t mean you’re all the sudden on the path to heatly living.  Remember everything is good in moderation, so eating a lot of healthy items, is still eating a lot.
  • Adding good protein to your diet such as dairy and lean meats help curb those hunger pangs we get when our friends ask us to join them on the late night Mcdonald’s run.
  • Smaller plate= smaller serving.Though this may seem like an incredibly simple solution, it really can do a lot for your portion control in the long run.
  • Calories are calories and it doesnt matter where you get them from. So just because you see the words, “low fat” it doesn’t mean those calories are better for you and occassionally low fat just means the fat has been substituted with sugar or another unhealthy addtion.

These may seem like overwhelming rules at first, but instituting one rule at a time is a way to approach healthy living and making it a lifelong habit.

for more info on healthy eating habits and simple fitness routines see: http://www.details.com/health-fitness

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