Nostalgia Nights

Kids' movies from the 1990s on VHS

No night celebrating the 90s is complete without the Olsen twins

By Courtney LeMay

This weekend, I took a break from my schoolwork to spend some quality time with my friends. From a surprise birthday party on Friday to “Nostalgia Night” with the girls on my hall Saturday, I ended up spending quite a bit of time watching kids’ movies, namely Disney’s “Tangled” and three different Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies. (In fact, the kid movie craze hasn’t stopped. I’m currently in a friend’s room watching “The Princess and the Frog.”)

In some ways it is almost depressing to watch a movie you loved as a child, because you often realize how bad a production it really was. Even so, more often than not it is totally worth doing something you used to enjoy—you might find it still makes you happy! Whether it be kids’ movies or a formerly favorite hobby, it’s quite possible that some good things never get old.

Besides, it’s hard to beat the “Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley” theme song.