Guilt-free and decadent

By Brittany Howard

Metromint, chocolatemint water.

Struggling to maintain your health kick because the bland taste of water? Struggle no more, for I have the answer to your problem. Metromint Water is a new brand of bottled water that comes in seven, calorie-free flavors including, chocolatemint, peppermint, spearmint, lemonmint, orangemint, cherrymint, and goodberrymint. Coming straight from their website, every bottle includes fresh, flavorful, pesticide-free mint grown in Washington State’s Yakima Valley. I am personally a very huge fan of the chocolatemint. It’s smooth, goes down like normal water with a fresh aftertaste of mint and a hint of chocolate. I highly suggest it to everyone as something that should definitely be tried. Watch out! You will get hooked.