Recycle your swimsuits

Two headbands made from recycled swimsuits

Two headbands made from recycled swimsuits. Photo by Courtney LeMay.

By Courtney LeMay

While we usually focus on keeping ourselves looking and feeling young through healthy living, keeping a fresh wardrobe is also a great way to gain a more youthful outlook. When clothes wear out, you might not need to toss them in the trash right away—why not make something new and fabulous out of an old favorite instead?

As a swimmer, I go through what feels like dozens of swimsuits in a year. If you’ve spent some time in the water, you know the drill: unsightly holes or picks, faded colors, or even a see-through lining could be plaguing your swimsuit at this very moment. A lot of my friends threw their old suits away, but I just couldn’t stand the thought o wasting so many memories, so much effort…nay, so much fabric!

So after much deliberation, I settled on a project: headbands. All you need is an old swimsuit, some scissors, a needle and thread, and you’ll be on your way to accessorizing heaven in no time. Or maybe just be able to see where you’re going once your hair isn’t in your face. No matter.

1.     First, cut around the elastic for the legs on the bottom of the suit, but be sure to leave the entire band in tact! This will become the base for your headband.

2.     Next, cut out pieces of the colorful stretchy material—from the main part of that suit or another—into shapes; I chose a flower for my first headband.

3.     Use an accenting color as the center dot of the flower, and then layer two flower-shaped pieces and the center dot. Sew all three pieces to the elastic band.

For a tassel or bow instead of a flower, cut two rectangular pieces of fabric, four inches long or so, and sew together down the middle. Cut centimeter-width fringes on both sides, and scrunch the middle together by pulling threads outward while pushing fabric towards the center. Like the flower, sew the bow to the elastic band and wear proudly.

Have any other ideas of what to do with worn-out or out-of-style clothing? Let me know!